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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Panov V.P., Logunov D.L., Avdeeva M.V.
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg

Contacts: Marina Avdeeva, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Significance. To some extent human health depends upon degree of compliance with medical advice making it significant to study and analyze causes of insufficient adherence to medical and preventive interventions and healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of the study: to analyze data on current scientific research focused on causes of non-compliance with medical advice and substantiate measures aimed at improving public health through better adherence to medical and preventive interventions.

Methods: Content analysis, analytical, historical.

Results. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the main reasons of non-compliance with treatment and unhealthy lifestyle include the following: 1) social/economic factors, 2) state of the health care system, 3) patient’s health status, 4) therapy-related factors and 5) human behavioral characteristics. At the same time, because of improper attitude towards health a certain part of the population is unable to make the most of medical care resulting in lower efficiency of treatment, deteriorated health, reduced quality of life, and increased hospitalization rates leading to higher health expenditures.

Nowadays all existing measures for improving adherence to treatment and promoting healthy lifestyle can be divided into the following categories: behavioral, educational, affective, economic and combined. At the same time development of confidential doctor/patient relations is playing the crucial role as well as monitoring of adherence through modern technical devices.

Conclusions. For a long time many countries have been failing to effectively address the problem of insufficient adherence. However, in recent years we saw emergence of technical means to effectively monitor compliance with medical advice related to treatment and disease prevention making it possible to consider such means as most promising solution to this problem.

Scope of application. Improvement of public health because of improved compliance with medical advice related to treatment and disease prevention.

Keywords: adherence to treatment, compliance, public health, medical advice, medical awareness.


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