DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-48-2-9
Kruchkov D.V., Artamonova G.V.
Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo, Russia
Contacts. Dmitry V. Kruchkov, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance. Analysis of
publishing activity of scientific research organizations is regulated by
a number of documents issued in 2009-2010 by the Russian Academy of
Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science. Since 2013,
publishing activity of employees of medical research institutes is
evaluated according to the criteria specified by a number of documents:
Presidential Decree No. 599 as of 05.07.2012, “Development Strategy for
Medical Sciences in the Russian Federation through 2025”, " Federal
Fundamental Scientific Research Program for 2013-2020”.
Purpose. To assess dynamics in indicators of
publishing activity of research institutes according to the Russian
Science Citation Index database.
Methods. The object of the study - 57 research
institutes registered in the Russian Science Citation Index database,
former subordinates of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The
studied phenomenon - publishing activity. The source of information -
the Science Index for the organizations as of 11.25.2015
Results. 43,488 articles were published by the
research institutes according to the Russian Science Citation Index
database in 2009 - 2014. The number of publications increased by 9.2%.
Moreover, 12 105 articles were published in the journals indexed in the
WoS / Scopus with an increase by 5.8%. The share of articles in the WoS /
Scopus databases out of the total number of articles in the studied
period equaled to 27.8%. In five years, the number of citations of the
articles published by the research scientific organizations increased by
57 research institutes were grouped into four clusters using the
classification analysis according to the average rank values for the
studied variables. It was found out that the share of articles published
by the research institutes from the third cluster added up to 52%,
including 55% of articles published in the journals indexed in the WoS /
Scopus, and 56% of all citations.
Conclusion. The statistical analysis of
bibliometric indicators of the research institutes, former subordinates
of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences showed a positive tendency in
publishing activity in 2009-2014. The average and maximum values of the
indicators, the activity index as well as groups of the research
institutes with similar quantitative publishing activity characteristics
were determined.
Keywords. Publishing activity, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Science Citation Index.
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