DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-1
Mikhaylova Y.1, Ivanov I.2, Shikina I.1, Polikarpov A., Vechorko V.1
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Center for Monitoring and Clinical and Economic Examination, Federal Service on Supervision in healthcare, Moscow
Contacts: Irina B. Shikina, e-mail:
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Significance. Improvement of quality, availability and
safety of medical care are key challenges of the Russian healthcare.
Medical organizations providing outpatient medical care to the catchment
area need to find information tool which would allow to assess and
adequately analyze performance, to develop operational and strategic
administrative decisions, and to project development.
Purpose: To develop methodical approaches to carry out
independent assessment of quality of medical care and performance of
medical organizations of the territorial subjects of the Russian
Federation providing outpatient medical care to the catchment area.
Methods of work: analytical, sociological, mathematical statistics, methods of expert review.
Results. On the basis of the state statistics
data with the use of expert review methods outpatient medical
organizations of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation were
typified; four groups of medical organizations were created; final list
of 24 indicators was developed and their value (significance) for
carrying out an independent assessment of quality of medical care and
performance of medical organizations was determined.
Conclusion. Carrying out an independent assessment of
quality of medical care and performance of the distinguished types of
medical organizations of the territorial subjects of the Russian
Federation providing outpatient medical care to the catchment area
allows to stimulate quality improvement; to take timely measures for
optimizing activity; to timely identify negative factors and eliminate
their causes by implementing relevant measures, etc.
Scope of application. Possibility to rate medical
organizations providing outpatient medical care to the catchment area on
the basis of independent assessment of quality of medical care and
performance at the federal, regional, and municipal levels, and in
medical organizations.
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Keywords: assessment of quality of medical care; typification of medical organizations; methods of expert reviews.
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