Sabgayda T.P.1, Modestov A.A.2, Stepanova E.V.3
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Regional Cancer Clinic, Krasnoyarsk
3 Regional Cancer Clinic, Stavropol
Contacts: Tamara Sabgayda, e-mail:
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Abstract. Great economic loss and high cost of reduction in
cancer mortality substantiate significance of impact analysis of the
Federal cancer programs. Evidence of their influence may be similarity
in dynamics of mortality from such types of cancer which are relatively
easy to detect at early stages in regions with the highest and lowest
levels of morbidity.
Purpose: to compare dynamics of morbidity and mortality
from cancer of the female reproductive organs in Stavropol and
Krasnoyarsk territories and in the country as a whole.
Materials and methods. We analyzed morbidity and
mortality of women from cancer of breast, cervix, uterine body and
ovaries in Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol territories and Russia in 2000-2013
years. We compared average values for three years at the beginning and
end of the observation period. We used data from Form #7 of the Federal
statistical observation as well as Rosstat data on distribution of
deaths from malignant neoplasms by sex and age (Form # C51) and on the
average population number.
Conclusions. A more pronounced increase in morbidity
and a greater reduction in mortality from malignant neoplasms of the
female reproductive organs compared to other malignancies along with an
increase in the expected age of death from these diseases show
effectiveness of the Federal cancer programs.
Implementation of the Federal programs on cancer care at the regional
level has its own characteristics, apparently due to the selected
priorities. In Krasnoyarsk territory the main focus was placed on work
of primary care physicians, while Stavropol territory focused on
secondary prevention of gynecological mortality from cancer. There are
vast reserves for increasing performance of the Federal National Cancer
Program in Russia through improvements in all areas of death prevention.
Keywords: malignant neoplasms of the female
reproductive organs; morbidity and mortality ratio; expected death age;
age structure of cancer morbidity; age structure of cancer mortality;
Federal cancer programs.
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