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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2016 (49) arrow MORBIDITY OF DENTAL SPECIALISTS
Thursday, 30 June 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-3

T.I. Bessonova, E.YU. Shkatova
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk

Contacts: Elena Shkatova, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Significance. Morbidity of dental specialists remains understudied because medical documentation doesn't give a true idea of disease prevalence among this category of workers.

Purpose: to identify morbidity peculiarities of dental specialists.

Materials and methods: the paper studied morbidity among dental specialists according to morbidity with temporal disability, self-evaluation of well being by dental specialists and results of their medical examinations. Analysis of morbidity with temporary disability in 2012-2014 was conducted in comparison with indicators of health workers and working population of the Udmurtian Republic in general.

Results. Against the background of low hygienic activity of health workers (one third doesn't keep diet and self-medicate, only half of those who need medical follow up are registered for medical follow-up), we identified higher rates of morbidity with temporal disability for all causes and diseases both by number of days (1350.4 and 1240.9 days, respectively), and number of cases of disability (123.3 and 106.2 cases, respectively) per 100 workers.

Those indicators were higher compared to the working population of the republic and health workers in general. According to the Notkin's scale morbidity with temporary disability among dental specialists was estimated as high both by number of cases and number of days of disability.

Along with increase in length of service among dental specialists, duration of a disability case increases by 1.9 times. In the structure of morbidity with temporal disability diseases of the respiratory system rate first followed by diseases of the muscularskeletal system and connective tissues and diseases of the genitourinary system are placed third. Morbidity according to medical examination of dentists was higher (122.8 per 100 examined) compared to the registered morbidity with temporary disability among medical personnel of dental clinics. In this structure the first place is also occupied by diseases of the respiratory system, the second - by diseases of the muscularskeletal system and connective tissues and diseases of the digestive system, and the third - by diseases of the circulatory system.

Keywords: morbidity; morbidity with temporary disability; medical activity; dental specialists; republican population; medical examinations.


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