DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-4
Karaylanov M.G.1, Rusev I.T.1, Fedotkina S.A.1,2, Prokin, I.G.1
1Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg State University
Contacts: Mikhail G. Karaylanov, e-mail:
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Primary health care is an integral part of the process of
socio-economic development of the society and national healthcare
system. It is the first level of encounter with the national healthcare
system and represents a first step in the continuous process of national
health protection. Territorial accessibility of primary health care is
provided by the rational deployment of health care facilities with due
regard to, residents’ settlement. Its development is much affected by
doctors of outpatient clinics, who provide timely and quality medical
care to the population according to their specialty in the clinic and at
home, as well as implement activities aimed at prevention and reduction
of morbidity with temporary disability, occupational diseases and
injuries. Significance of this study is determined by importance to
study historical background related to the development and gradual
formation of primary health care in Russia up to the present moment,
organization of medical care at outpatient clinics and a gradual
transition to the health insurance system.
Improvement of primary health care in Russia resulted in a valuable
outcome that medical services are provided on the basis of the district
territorial principle, which forms the basis for organizing primary
health care at the outpatient level with the subsequent referrals to
narrow specialty physicians. Due to the recent healthcare modernization
program outpatient care facilities were equipped with modern innovative
medical devices to ensure delivery of high quality primary health care.
Currently, in accordance with the State healthcare development
program in the country a special attention is being paid to improvement
of primary health care, its accessibility and quality. Historical
background related to formation, development and reformation of the
Russian primary health care is important for improving the entire
healthcare system.
Keywords: primary health care; historical background; reforming; clinic; access to health care.
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