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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2016 (49) arrow SATISFACTION WITH HEALTH CARE: HOW TO MEASURE AND COMPARE?
Thursday, 30 June 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-5

Kobyakova O.S.1, Deev I.A.1, Tyufilin D.S.1, Kulikov E.S.1, Tabakaev N.A.1, Vorobyeva O.O. 2

1Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
2New Siberian Institute, Novosibirsk

Contacts: Denis S. Tufilin, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Satisfaction with health care is a parameter reflecting degree of patient centeredness in healthcare that is related to best outcomes and better financial position of medical organizations.

Therefore, in health care organization data on patient satisfaction should be used as indicators of successful development of a health care facility in areas relevant to consumers. The history of research and measurement of patient satisfaction with health care takes back to the 1970s and today there are a lot of different tools to measure it. However, there is no unified and standardized method that would be validated in different languages and applicable at the national level. This lack substantiates systematization of different methods to measure patient satisfaction.

This study demonstrates a variety of questionnaires that help to measure patient satisfaction with health care, compares them and analyzes research on statistical evaluation and quality of questionnaires. Furthermore, the authors identified criteria for evaluating satisfaction level as well as presented some results of measuring these criteria in different countries. Based on the review conducted the authors concluded that despite a wide range of tools to measure patient satisfaction as well as their wide implementation including at the national level some of the applied questionnaires have low quality, and the results obtained by them are not comparable making it impossible to track dynamics in the level of satisfaction as well as adopt best practices in its improvement.

Such situation can be explained by multidimensionality of satisfaction with health care and its dependence upon social and cultural peculiarities of the surveyed cohort. However, it is obvious that development of a unified and standardized tool to measure patient satisfaction, based on certain social and cultural peculiarities of the Russia population is necessary to implement patient-centered care in the country.

Key words: patient satisfaction; satisfaction questionnaires; patient-centered healthcare; quality of health care.


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