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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2016 (49) arrow SOCIAL THREATS OF DEFECTIVE CHILD NUTRITION IN THE FAMILY
Thursday, 30 June 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-49-3-7

Sadikov R.M, Migunova J.V.
Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa

Contacts: Ramil M. Sadikov, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Significance of the problem related to quality nutrition of children in the family is substantiated by unsatisfactory material condition of the modern Russian family. Low income of the population and its insignificant growth rates creates preconditions for poverty aggravation, especially relevant to families with several children. In turn, quality of child nutrition in average families with only one child becomes an important issue as well.

The purpose is to study situation with child nutrition in a modern Russian family, depending upon its financial status.

Material and methods. Statistical data on results of the sample survey of household budgets in 2013-2015 were analyzed using comparative, economic and statistical methods, that reflect relationship between living standards of a Russian family with children and its financial well being and possibility of quality and balanced nutrition of all its members, especially children.

Results. At present, nutritional status of children in low-income families does not meet the modern society medical and biological standards. Often, an average family with a newborn or a family where children are born especially several kids falls into the category of low-income households when the level and quality of life of this household is rapidly deteriorating.

Therefore, in most cases families with three or more children of minority age find themselves among the poor. Thus, the higher the living standards of the population, the higher the share of expenses on food, and vice versa.

Accordingly, the lower the living standards of people, the less they spend on health of their children, their education and holiday. This negatively affects the younger generation's health condition, including development of diseases of the digestive system, impaired metabolism, associated with a deficient or excessive body weight. All those problems represent only a part of so-called «school-time diseases» related to nutrition.

Conclusions. The study noted that with increase in the number of children in the household the quality of nutrition of its members significantly deteriorates. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about social stratification of the Russian population by type of nutrition; that is, despite a substantial increase in food expenses in such families, there is a reduced consumption of healthy and quality food. Families that have to save on food products, have a higher share of sick children than healthy children. Moreover, increase in the number of children in a family only worsens this trend.

Keywords: children's nutrition; healthy eating; quality of food; “poverty associated” nutrition; social food; food expences; poverty; standard of living of families with children.


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