DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-1
Ivanova A.E., Semenova V.G., Lopakov K.V., Mikhailov A.Yu.,Sabgayda T.P., Zemlyanova E.V., Zaporozhchenko V.G., Evdokushkina G.N.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Alla E. Ivanova,
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Implementation of the Concept of demographic development in Moscow
was completed in 2015. The capital is currently facing the objective to
develop a new Concept and Implementation plan until 2025, coordinated
with the appropriate Federal documents.
The purpose of the study was to assess current
mortality trends in the capital taking into account effect of the
demographic policies and provide rational for proposals to the draft
Concept of demographic policy in Moscow for 2016-2025.
Materials and methods: the analysis covers the entire
age scale (0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60-74,75 and over) by major causes
of death (diseases of the circulatory system, neoplasms, injury and
poisoning, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive
system, infections, and symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions) in
comparison with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (“new
Europe”) and Western Europe (“old Europe”).
Moscow reached levels of life expectancy, characteristic of countries
of the Central and Eastern Europe (the average for the group), with
comparable social and economic potential. Convergence of life expectancy
in the capital and the “new EU” is due to population over 45 years: in
younger working-age groups Moscow is behind the “new EU”. This loss was
determined by all leading causes of death (by neoplasms least of all).
Based on the capital’s results in achieving decrease in mortality and
problems identified that determine reserves for further loss reduction
the purpose of the Demographic policy aimed at reducing mortality rates
in Moscow is to reduce demographic, social and economic and human costs
of social development.
Criteria for problem statement are determined by the following:
achievability of current levels of life expectancy in the Western Europe
(79.1 years for males and 84.2 years for females) by 2025; focus on
reducing premature and avoidable deaths at ages 15-44 years;
diversification of policies with due regard to social differentiation of
the population and health-related problems.
The obtained results can be used to develop the Concept of demographic policy in Moscow until 2025.
Keywords: mortality; avoidable deaths; premature mortality; demographic policy; population health; life expectancy.
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