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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-3

Finchenko Å.À.1,2, Ivaninskiy O.I.2,3, Shalygina L.S.1,2, Sadovoy M.A.1,2
Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Ja. L. Tsyv'jan, Russian Ministry of Health
2Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health
3 Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region

Contacts: Evgeny A. Finchenko, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Background. Delivery of urgent medical care involves all levels of healthcare. Medical care to patients in urgent conditions is the most expensive and lives of patients depend upon outcomes of its provision. This fact demonstrates relevance of the problem that is not fully recognized in the literature.

Purpose: comprehensive assessment of urgent care delivery in the Novosibirsk region and subjects of the Russian Federation composing the Siberian Federal District.

Methods and Materials: statistical, cartographic (GIMP 2 graphical editor). Official statistics for 2012-2014 of the healthcare authorities of the Russian Federation subjects composing the Siberian Federal District.

Results. The share of expenses on urgent care in the general structure of health expenditures equaled to 35.7% in the Novosibirsk region (in the Siberian Federal District it was in the range of 4.3-36.0%); the Novosibirsk region dynamics is positive (growth), while dynamics in the Altai Territory is negative (reducton).

Resource availability indicators: the Novosibirsk region integral index (standardized by the Siberian Federal District average) added up to 1.83 (in the Siberian Federal District it was in the range of 0.85 to 1.83), dynamics in the Novosibirsk region is not present, while dynamics in the five regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (reduction); indicators of volumes of urgent care delivery – the Novosibirsk region integral index equaled to 1.82 (0.51 - 1.82), the Novosibirsk region dynamics is negative (growth), and dynamics in the five regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (growht);

Indicators of effectiveness (mortality) – the Novosibirsk region integral index added up to 0.98 (0.6 - 1.37), the Novosibirsk region dynamics is negative (growth), dynamics in the seven regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (growth).

Discussion. Discussing the results it should be noted that the Novosibirsk region has the highest integral indexes of resource availability and volumes of urgent care delivery as well as expenses among the subjects of the Russian Federation composing the Siberian Federal District.

The Novosibirsk region falls within the general Siberian Federal District trend in growth of negative indicators of urgent care effectiveness (inpatient mortality rates).


1. Results of the study showed that the Novosibirsk region integral index of resource availability for urgent care is the highest - 1.83 (in the Siberian Federal District it is in the range of 0.85 to 1.83), dynamics is not present, while dynamics in the five regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (reduction).

2. The Novosibirsk region integral index of volumes of urgent care delivery is also the highest - 1.82 (in the Siberian Federal District it is in the range of 0.51 - 1.82), the Novosibirsk region dynamics like dynamics in the five regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (growth).

3. The Novosibirsk region integral index of urgent care effectiveness (mortality) is within the mean values - 0.98 (in the Siberian Federal District it is in the range of 0.6 - 1.37), the Novosibirsk region dynamics like dynamics in the seven regions of the Siberian Federal District is negative (growth).

4. The study results showed that the Novosibirsk region has the highest integral index of resource availability and volumes of urgent care delivery, as well as indicators of expenses among subjects of the Russian Federation composing the Siberian Federal District.

5. The Novosibirsk region falls within the general Siberian Federal District trend in growth of negative indicators of urgent care effectiveness (inpatient mortality rates).

Keywords. Urgent medical care; resource availability, volumes of urgent care delivery, effectiveness of urgent care delivery, Novosibirsk Region; Siberian Federal District.


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