DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-5
Maksimov S.A., Tabakaev M.V., Artamonova G.V.
Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo
Contacts: Mikhail V. Tabakaev, e-mail:
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Abstract. Background. Professional employment is
one of the most important social and economic components, indicating
social status, access to resources of social protection, and to some
extent level of material well-being of a person. Today, much attention
is being paid to the analysis of direct relationships between
professional employment and status of various aspects of public health,
as well as estimation of the interconnecting mechanisms.
The purpose of this review was to estimate relationships between professional employment and cardiovascular health.
Methods. Sources for the scientific review were searched
through the Russian Scientific Electronic Library ( and
Stanford University HighWire Press ( Searching
was conducted across all types of publications through their titles,
annotations and keywords using “employment” and “health” as search
requests. A total of 1139 sources were analyzed. Final selection of
sources was made proceeding from relevance of the source topic to the
issue under study. As a result, a total of 47 publications were included
in the List of references (13 domestic and 34 foreign sources).
Results. Published data indicate different prevalence of
cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular risk factors across the
social strata, differentiated according to the general level of social
and economic well-being. The nature and orientation of these
relationships may vary both over time and according to the level of
development of the country (region). Professional employment, being one
of the most important component of the individual social status can
provide both direct and indirect impact (through a number of
conventional risk factors) upon human health. At the same time, the
leading causes of difference between the professional employed and
unemployed include the following:
1) artificial and/or natural withdrawal of the sick and frail people
from the labor process (the "healthy worker effect"); 2) more effective
social adaptation of the working persons compared to nonworkers.
Professional employment is associated with better health, lower
morbidity and mortality from all causes and from cardiovascular
diseases. At the same time, the majority of researchers noted a
modifying effect that age and sex, behavioral and other individual
characteristics produce on intensity of those relationships.
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Keywords. Professional employment, cardiovascular health, socio-economic status, risk factors, healthy worker effect.
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