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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-10

Siburina T.A.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Tatyana A. Siburina, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Ongoing structural changes in healthcare are taking place against the background of changes in the nature of physicians’ staff work, which relates to intellectual and creative activities. It is worth noting that for many decades, despite rather drastic measures on restructuring and economic regulation, issues related to quality improvement in medical organizations of mass service of the population remain unsolved, the level of professional competency of health workers is decreasing, relations with patients are deteriorating and the doctor’s image is worsening.

Underestimation of the human factor leads to a decline in the number of doctors in the context of healthcare, based on multiple restrictions, adopted legal regulations and increasing role of insurance companies, improper practices of staff management focused on penalties for defects rather than success encouragement, as well as labor organization and remuneration that fail to comply with induced expenditures and life and professional needs of health workers.

This situation results in heavier overload of specialists and lost interest in work, formation of the doctor’s personality with destructive changes in the emotional sphere. Such position of the key person in the industry may lead to further collapse of the system. This paper attempts to implement a critical analysis of the situation in the Russian healthcare related to physicians’ personnel from the point of view of a constructive assessment of actual possibilities to reveal and improve their potential and create working environment necessary to solve staffing problems, that reaches far beyond medical organizations.

The article emphasizes the need to develop a concept to intensify activities of medical organizations aimed at increasing value of medical labor, offers its structure encouraging changes of the attitude towards doctors’ work and centering the doctor in the entire healthcare system, suggesting to review institutional characteristics of doctor’s work organization and role of additional structures and supporting development of a management system that would provide for environment in medical organizations most appropriate to the creative nature of doctor’s work.

Keywords: characteristics of physicians’ work; position of doctor in medical organization; labor regulation; medical staff potential; a creative work.


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1. 07-10-2016 11:58
î÷åíü âñå ïðàâèëüíî.  
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