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Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-5-4

Seryogin V.I.1, Sakharova G.Ì.2, Antonov N.S.3, Medvedeva Î.V.4, Mirov A.I.5
1Ryazan Regional Centre for Medical Prevention, Ryazan
2Pulmonary Research Institute of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Russia, Moscow
3Institute of Advanced Training of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency, Moscow, Russia
4Ryazan State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, Ryazan, Russia
5City Clinical Hospital # 8, Ryazan, Russia.

Contacts: Vladimir Seryogin, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Organization of medical services aimed at tobacco cessation and treatment for tobacco addiction of prospective parents and expectant mothers is associated with certain specific issues. Major problems include skeptical attitude and disbelief of health care providers that treatment for tobacco addiction can effectively help tobacco-smokers, as well as low awareness of smoking hazards among obstetrician-gynecologists and some peculiarities of care organization for prospective parents and expectant mothers who wish to quit smoking. The survey results show that awareness of smoking hazards among health professionals is directly related to patients’ motivation to quit tobacco smoking. The majority of health care providers think that medical specialists should not smoke at all since a smoking specialist is unlikely to provide counseling and assistance in tobacco cessation on a frequent and effective basis.

The purpose of the study is to explore attitude of obstetrician-gynecologists’ care providers towards tobacco smoking.

Within the framework of the study an anonymous survey was conducted among obstetrician-gynecologists and paramedicals of 51 obstetrician-gynecologists’ care facilities in Ryazan and the Ryazan region. Smoking rates among health professionals, their knowledge about smoking hazards and methods for care delivery for tobacco cessation among prospective parents and pregnant women have been studied.

The study results revealed certain peculiar issues and problems in work with the smoking pregnant, including: low knowledge about smoking hazards among obstetrician-gynecologists’ care providers and methods for treating tobacco addiction, influence of active and passive smoking on pregnant health and the fetus. However, the majority of obstetrician-gynecologists’ care providers know that smoking pregnant are more likely to experience various severe complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and express themselves on the need to develop and implement certain measures for tobacco cessation and treatment of tobacco addiction among prospective parents and pregnant women.

Keywords: tobacco smoking; health professionals; prospective parents; pregnancy; questionnaire survey.


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