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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2016 (51) arrow PRIORITY PROJECTS AIMED AT INTERNET DEVELOPMENT IN THE RUSSIAN HEALTH CARE
Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-5-9

1Klimenko G.S., 2Lebedev G.S.
Internet Development Institute, Moscow
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Contacts: Lebedev Georgiy, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Editorial Board invites participation of its readership
in discussing the presented projects
aimed at Internet development
in the Russian healthcare

Abstract. The Institute of the Russian Internet was set up in November 2014. Development of the Russian Internet in healthcare is most important focus of the Institute. First of all, Internet development has a high social significance and, secondly, the Web provides a wide simultaneous impact on a large population. Uncontrolled Internet effects in healthcare can lead to adverse consequences.

Therefore, the authors propose to classify directions for the Russian Internet development in healthcare, with each direction having its own properties and characteristics. The authors consider legislative support for telemedicine and implementation of intelligent systems for medical decision-making as breakthrough directions. In this respect the authors consider methods of big data processing and pattern recognition relevant.

The paper focuses on priority projects aimed at Internet development in medicine, including; legislative support for telemedicine, development of distance selling of pharmaceuticals, system development of pathology identification in medical images (digital radiology), system of preventive health monitoring (electronic health center), health monitoring of patients with chronic diseases ("Electronic clinic") and intelligent support system for selecting pharmacotherapy practices.

For each project, the document describes significance, purpose, objectives and projected implementation.

The authors understand that handling such complex and knowledge-intensive objectives is impossible without broad cooperation between leading medical centers in the Russian Federation, organizations involved in development and application of modern mathematical methods and models, and information systems’ developers. The authors hope that this publication will intensify efforts in this direction, and engage interested specialists into collaboration with the Institute of the Russian Internet.

Key words. Internet technology; medical information systems; intelligent decision support system; legislative and regulatory support; processing of big data; pattern recognition.


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