DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-2
Zubko A.V., Sabgayda T.P.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Alexander V. Zubko, e-mail:
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Abstract. Departments of interventional radiology diagnostics
and treatment were set up not only at the third level hospitals, which
could have affected quality of this high-tech medical care.
Purpose. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed data on
surgical activities for vascular reconstruction and its results in
hospitals of different levels.
Methods. Analysis was based on data of the A.N.
Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery on interventions
in patients with occlusive diseases of aorta and arteries of lower
extremities in 2010-2014.
Data from 188 vascular departments were divided into groups as
follows: by the level of care delivery, i.d. hospitals of the first,
second or third levels and by the average annual number of vascular
reconstructions performed.
Results. 51.0% of interventions for vascular
reconstruction are implemented at the second level of care delivery,
36.2% - at the first and 12.7% at the third level of care delivery.
Frequency of amputations after the vessel reconstruction and repeat
operations increase along with the increasing number of interventions
performed: increase from 0.6% and 1.3% respectively in hospitals with
the average annual number of reconstructions under 20 and to 1.9% and
2.5% in hospitals with the average annual number of reconstructions over
100; from 0.3% in the third level hospitals to 1.3% in hospitals of the
first and second levels of care delivery in 2014.
Conclusions. Reallocation of patients with surgical
vascular diseases across hospitals of different levels does not
correspond to the current paradigm of the three-level care organization.
The share of repeat operations (including amputations) proportionally
increases along with the increasing patient flow (surgical activity).
Resource provision of the second level hospitals is not sufficient to
effectively treat patients with late stages of surgical vascular
diseases. Measures to incentivize the third-level hospitals to increase
the share of interventions for vascular reconstruction are required to
avoid growth of the lower limb amputations’ frequency.
Keywords: treatment of surgical vascular diseases;
frequency of vascular reconstructions ended by amputation; frequency of
repeat angioplasty; departments of interventional radiology diagnostics
and treatment.
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