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Friday, 23 December 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-9

Shuvalova M.P. 1, Chausov A.A. 1, Grebennik T.K. 1, Prikhodko N.A. 1, Kurochka M.P. 2, Bushtyrev A.V. 3
1Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
3Perinatal Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Contacts: Shuvalova Marina P., e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Mother’s behavior is the most important factor for promoting and improving infant’s health. The study focuses on the social aspects of developing mother’s responsible attitudes.

The purpose was to assess impact of medical and social factors and identify principles of mother’s social typological grouping related to the development of mother’s responsible attitude to her infant health promotion, maintenance and improvement.

Methods. An anonymous survey of pregnant women admitted to the maternity hospital for delivery was carried out. Characterizing mother’s system of values the authors have identified the following nine essential value judgments: maintaining optimal microclimate and keeping the room clean, creating a favorable psychological climate in the family, non-smoking in the vicinity of the child, ensuring balanced diet, performing daily hygienic care procedures, developing cognitive and physical abilities of the child, and observing religious traditions. Applying the multiple logistic regression method the authors conducted a multi-factor analysis of the impact of medical and social factors on completeness of the value judgments choice. To classify homogenous groups the authors used algorithm of hierarchical clustering objects.

Results. The study involved 367 puerperants. Results show that 56.4% of puerperants accepted all value judgments, except the one concerning observing religious traditions. Living conditions and age turned out to be predictors for completeness of the value judgments choice.

As a result, four clusters were identified. The first cluster (48.2%) consisted of women who believed that all value judgments were extremely important for them. The second group (32.3%) consisted of puerperants who regarded observation of religious traditions as unimportant. Women of the third cluster (12.0%) excluded observation of religious traditions and maintenance of optimal microclimate. Women of the fourth group (7.5%) were not aware of importance of the value judgments presented in the study. This group was described as having poor personal background characteristics, “communicative competence”, “self-realization” and “vitality”.

Conclusions. Negative impact on completeness of the value judgments choice was associated with failure in personal self-realization and insufficient persistence in achieving their goals.

There is a small group of women, struggling through a number of personal problems who do not consider important aspects that contribute to health promotion of their babies. Pediatricians and general practitioners need to be alert and encourage women to create a healthy environment for their babies.

Keywords: infant health; medical and social factors; personal characteristics; value judgments; cluster analysis; health promotion; puerperant; healthy environment.


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