DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-10
E.B. Tsybikova, M.A. Ivanova, S.I. Shlayfer, T.A. Sokolovskaya, N.M. Zaichenko
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: ErzhenyB. Tsybikova,
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Abstract. Significance. Over the past 20 years
the number of endoscopic examinations in the regions of the Russian
Federation increased by 3-4 times due to current demographic situation.
This lead to the increased share of the elderly ages that are more
affected by different cancers and other chronic diseases. Diagnostics of
such diseases requires obligatory endoscopic examinations resulting in a
pressing need for higher number of well trained endoscopists.
The study purpose is to analyze main statistical indicators of availability of endoscopists to the Russian population.
Methods and data. The authors used indicators of
availability of endoscopists to the population, endoscopists’ staffing
level and double jobholding ratio in 2013-2015 calculated based on data
from the reporting statistical Form #30.
Results. Growing rates of availability of endoscopists
exceeding the average Russia’s value were registered in 37 (2013), 36
(2014) and 47 (2015) Russian regions due to the increased need for
higher number of endoscopic examinations.
However, high values of double jobholding ratio registered at the
same regions suggest that the growing need for endoscopic examinations
is currently being solved rather by the growing load on existing staff
than by increasing number of endoscopists in health care facilities.
Currently, the majority of the Russian regions register high staffing
levels of endoscopists in health care facilities; half of the regions
report a 90% staffing while 18 regions levels almost hit 100%. However,
combination of high values of this indicator with high values of double
jobholding ratio suggests a deficit in endoscopists’ staffing. Currently
insufficient number of endoscopists makes it impossible to widely use
complicated diagnostics and treatment methods aimed at health protection
and strengthening.
Keywords: endoscopist; availability of endoscopists to the population; staffing levels of endoscopists; double jobholding ratio.
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