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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2016 (52) arrow ADVANCING WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS
Friday, 23 December 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-11

Kudelina O., Brazovskaya N.
Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk

Contacts: Olga V. Kudelina, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Significance. Effective management of workforce is crucially important for successful reforming of healthcare and improving population health.

Purpose. To develop practical recommendations for improving staff management systems at health care facilities of the Tomsk region on the basis of an opinion survey of leaders and physicians.

Methods. Comparative analysis of opinion of 1362 physicians of the regional, municipal and federal health care facilities of the Tomsk region concerning healthcare reforming, medical staff issues, economic aspects of care delivery has been implemented with a breakdown on facility levels: municipal vs. regional, regional vs. federal and municipal vs. federal. The obtained raw data were processed within the R statistical environment.

Results. Results of the survey conducted among leaders and physicians of the Tomsk region health care facilities showed that composition of physicians, their opinion about personnel issues, healthcare reforms and economic aspects of care delivery differ depending on the level of facility jurisdiction. 58.1% of leaders and physicians of the federal level facilities deny any problems related to workforce availability, while 74.3% of the municipal and 67.7% of the regional level facility employees think that such problem does exist. Specialists of the regional and municipal level facilities tend more to result-based remuneration compared to the federal level employees. Level of awareness about the regional program of the state guarantees for health care delivery is higher among municipal physicians, because of a wide range of medical services they provide as well as more frequent contacts with funds of compulsory health insurance regarding payments for services. Specialists of the federal level facilities mentioned their positive attitude towards reforming processes. At the same time, assessment of the reforms’ effectiveness is associated with completeness of information among physicians about ongoing changes in the healthcare system.

Conclusions. Development of workforce related activities and strategies should consider personnel opinion, understanding of the workforce structure and physicians’ attitude towards reforming processes.

Scope of application. Based on the revealed peculiar features of opinion of leaders and physicians the authors developed suggestions aimed at improving the system of workforce management in the region and implementing principles of continuous medical education into the personnel training process.

Keywords: health care facilities; health care personnel; management; organization of healthcare; reforming; continuous medical education.


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