DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-52-6-12
A.Yu. Lazutkina1, V.V. Gorbunov2
1Regional Directorate for Medical Supply at the Trans-Baikal railway, Chita
2Chita State Medical Academy, Chita
Contacts: Anna Yu. Lazutkina, e-mail:
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Abstract. Significance. Deaths of locomotive crew
members due to road traffic accidents are being registered at the
Trans-Baikal Railway on the annual basis. Psychophysiological and
professional selection does not guarantee operators absence of traffic
accidents, and therefore, traffic safety on the railways.
Purpose. To find out the cause and effect relationship
of the road traffic accidents among members of locomotive crews at the
Trans-Baikal Railway.
Materials and methods. In 2008-2013, 7959 members of
locomotive crews of the Trans-Baikal Railway were purposefully examined
for risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Results. All 24 cases of the fatal road traffic accidents
registered during the period under study in the sample of 7959
respondents were statistically analyzed using Statistica 6.0. by
multifactor regression analysis, analysis of variance and survival
It was found out that age predictor in certain age groups had an
individual independent prognostic value. Alcohol predictor potentiates
the multiple negative effects of joint age predictor impact.
Conclusions. Age predictor when combined with alcohol
predictor can cause disregulation movement disorders in operators due to
damage to the brain stem cells.
Scope of application. The authors suggested a method to
diagnose disregulation movement disorders and psychophysiological
characteristics in operators aimed at improving traffic safety on the
Keywords. Traffic accidents; alcohol; age; locomotive crew members
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