DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-2
Kosolapov A.A., Artemyeva G.B.
Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ryazan
Contacts: Galina Artemyeva, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Kosolapov A.A.,
Artemyeva G.B.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. Improvement of health
care organization and quality assurance with due regard to satisfaction
of care providers is a crucial component to improve effectiveness of
medical interventions aimed at maintaining health and increasing life
The purpose of the study is to work out guidelines for
improving specialized neurosurgical care delivery in the Ryazan region
based on satisfaction evaluation of neurosurgeons.
Methods. An anonymous survey of all neurosurgeons of
the neurosurgery department of the Ryazan regional clinical hospital was
conducted. Doctors’ opinion about organization of neurosurgical care
delivery to patients in the Ryazan region, problems related to personnel
and resource supply of the service were analyzed.
Results. The survey results revealed low satisfaction
with organization of neurosurgical care delivery, resource supply, and
level of professional training of specialists involved in care delivery
to neurosurgical patients at pre-hospital stage. The respondents
considered the following factors as main causes of ineffectiveness:
insufficient staffing level, low number of specialized neurosurgical
beds, and low availability of modern medical equipment. To improve
effectiveness specialists suggest rising wages and aligning them with
quality of care, developing quality indicators and attracting
investments into healthcare.
Conclusions. Projects aimed at organizational
changes in healthcare should be developed with due regard to doctors’
opinion, their understanding of current problems and readiness to
implement the planned reforms.
Scope of application. Measures to modernize
neurosurgical care delivery in the Ryazan region were worked out with
due regard to opinion of neurosurgeons.
Keywords: survey; organization of neurosurgical care delivery; satisfaction with care organization.
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