DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-3
Smal T.S., Zavadovskaya V.D., Deyev I.A.
Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Contacts: Tatiana Smal, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Smal T.S.,
Zavadovskaya V.D.,
Deyev I.A.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Telemedicine is the use of information and
communication technologies to provide medical assistance when distance
between health care professionals and patients is a critical factor.
Teleradiology is a separate area of telemedicine, a modern trend in
medical diagnostics involving transmission of medical diagnostic images
to receive expert opinion or clinical assessment.
Use of information and communication technologies makes it possible
to overcome territorial barriers and increase access to health services.
Due to low availability of health services and shortage of staff
typical of remote areas of the Russian Federation such technologies are
especially relevant for residents of low-density areas including small
and medium-size cities and rural areas of the Russian Federation.
Purpose. To assess quality of distant description of
radiographic images in low-density areas the authors have conducted a
study that includes medical opinions and chest radiographs for 69
The following methods were used: expert assessments, diagnostic, analytical and statistical methods.
Results. The article presents results of the analysis of
frequency and types of discrepancies in diagnostic decisions regarding
X-rays reports by the on-site physicians and remote experts. The study
identified most common types of diagnostic errors and assessed quality
of X-ray reports.
Conclusions. The authors found out that differences in
diagnostic decisions were due to underestimation of radiographic signs
of intrathoratic organs pathology made by local primary care providers.
Unavailability of high quality specialized medical care in the regions
results in neglecting most important socially significant diseases,
early detection of which contributes to timely treatment and
Scope of application. Application of technologies for remote
medical services assisted by highly qualified specialists is of high
practical value for healthcare organization in remote areas and makes
specialized high quality medical care more available.
Keywords: radio diagnostics; telemedicine; teleradiology; organization of medical care; low population density.
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