DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-7
Gerasimova M.A.1, Sannikov A.L.1, Kuzin S.G.2, Volosevich A.I.1, Mordovsky E.A.1
1Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
2Bureau of Forensic Medicine, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Contacts: Marta Gerasimova, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Gerasimova M.A.,
Sannikov A.L.,
Kuzin S.G.,
Volosevich A.I.,
Mordovskiy E.A.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. Diseases of the
circulatory system occupy a dominant position in the structure of death
causes all over the world. Cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke
make a significant impact to high mortality from diseases of the
circulatory system. Issues related to peculiar characteristics of
postmortem diagnostics of this pathology depending on the place of death
remain under-investigated.
The purpose of the work is to study structure of death
causes from stroke and sequelae of cerebrovascular disease (I60-I64,
I69) outside healthcare facilities (at home, on the scene) in
Arkhangelsk in 2011-2015.
Materials and methods. Continuous documentation
observation of 683 Experts’ reposts, Acts of postmortem examinations
(form 171/y-92) executed by the Bureau of forensic medicine of the
Arkhangelsk region and corresponding Medical death certificates (form
106/y-08) of all people died from stroke and sequelae of cerebrovascular
disease (ICD 10: I60-I64, I69) outside healthcare facilities in
2011-2015 in Arkhangelsk. The following information was extracted from
the reporting forms: gender, life duration, full forensic medical
diagnosis, and initial and immediate causes of death.
Results. Over the period under study (2011-2015) a
significant decline in the number of deaths from stroke and sequelae of
cerebrovascular disease outside healthcare facilities (25.0%, including
53.3% from cerebral infarction) was registered. Sequelae of
cerebrovascular disease (58.4%) (I69) were the most common underlying
cause of death. Hemorrhagic stroke was both the initial and the
immediate cause of death in 82.4% of cases; cerebral infarction – in
56.0%. Among those died from sequelae of cerebrovascular disease the
leading direct cause of death was pneumonia (79.9%).
Conclusions. The study results indicate the need for
developing and putting into practice additional activities aimed at
improving organization of care delivery to stroke survivors during
rehabilitation period.
Keywords: stroke; hemorrhagic stroke; cerebral infarction; sequelae of cerebrovascular disease; immediate cause of death.
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