DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-9
Nizamova E.R.
Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Elvira Nizamova, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Nizamova E.R.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The author declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Reducing preventable loss from preterm baby mortality is a priority task of maternal and child health.
The purpose of this study is to identify and assess
impact of social conditions and indicators of maternal health before and
during pregnancy on a preterm baby birth.
Materials and methods: Face-to-face structured interviews were conducted with mothers of preterm babies.
Results. Parturient women were mainly presented by two
age groups: 30-39 years (51.9%) and 25-29 years (34.2%). Marriage was
more often officially registered (60.8%). Such baby was the first in
50.6% of the families, second - in 29.1%, third in 16.5% and fourth and
over - in 3.8% of the families. In the surveyed families the share of
women with higher education was 53.2% against 39.2% in men; and in 31.6%
cases both parents had higher education. Secondary professional
education received 21.5% of women and 31.6% of men, both parents had
such educational level in 11.4% of cases; 12.7% of women and 15.2% of
men had secondary (school) education. In the majority of families with
the preterm baby parents predominantly had day working regimen: 83.6% of
women and 77.0% of men. Half (52.6%) of the families had a per capita
monthly income over 15 000 rubles, while income of 47.4% of the families
was less than the minimum wage. 55.7% of pregnant women felt unwell
even before the 12th week of gestation and had signs of a pathology.
Birth of a preterm baby in 100% of cases was associated with the
unhealthy pregnancy (in 10.1% of cases of gestosis with escalation to
eclampsia in 3.8% of cases).
Discussion. The last decade has seen a significant
change in reproductive behavior pattern of women due to modernization of
values (increasing role of education, professional training), when
parenthood and childbearing issues are postponed to some time in the
future. Prevention of premature births with low birth weight should
include organization of medical examinations before pregnancy and
Conclusions. The author has identified certain
determinants which are more common in women who delivered preterm babies
(with weight at birth up to 2500 grams): 30-39 years; education level
lower than the population average (completed secondary education or
lower); presence of chronic diseases, particularly gynecological,
ophthalmic and otorhinolaryngologic ones. First delivery is also one of
the affecting factors with a decreased probability of preterm baby in
subsequent deliveries.
Keywords: preterm babies with extremely low and low birth
weight; medical and social characteristics; family with preterm baby;
pathological pregnancy.
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