DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-53-1-10
Stupak V.S.1, Senkevich O.A.2, Komarova Z.A.2
1Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers of Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk region
2 Medical University " Far Eastern State Medical University" of the Russian Federeation Ministry of Health, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Olga Senkevich, e-mail:
Information about authors:
Stupak V.S.,
Senkevich O.A.,
Komarova Z.A.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. Infant mortality indicates social and
economic development of the area, effectiveness of social policy, access
to health care as well as welfare and health, including child health.
Infant mortality refers to health and social problems and affects life
expectancy, reduces the number of active working age population
resulting in economic loss of the society and the state. Qualitative
indicators of effective implementation of activities in healthcare are
child morbidity and mortality; they are higher in the Khabarovsk
Territory compared to other federal districts.
The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative
analysis of infant mortality rates in the Khabarovsk Territory from the
historical perspective.
Methods: comparative analysis of major medical and demographic indicators from the historical perspective.
The object of the study was a cohort of children born
alive and died within the first year of life in the Khabarovsk Territory
in 2000 – 2015. The heart of the problem is that for a long time the
Khabarovsk Territory has been taking the lead in terms of infant
mortality rates among all Russian federal districts; its current rates
of infant mortality in urban and rural areas are subject to significant
Results: the Khabarovsk Territory has set up a
three-level system of mother and child care delivery (during pregnancy
and childbirth) according to principles of territoriality and prevention
with the leading role of the Regional Perinatal Center as a third-level
obstetric facility that implements modern high-tech perinatal
technologies. Such approach to preventing infant deaths turned out to be
Conclusions: Infant mortality rates in the Khabarovsk
Territory in 2015 reached its historical low and for the first time ever
was lower the average Russian ones adding up to 6.4% per 1000 live
births with the target of 10.5%. Efforts and complex technologies were
mainly focused on addressing urgent situations (obstetrics, neonatal
emergency care, intensive care, neonatal nursing, and surgery for
congenital malformations). Infant mortality decreased 2.7 times in
comparison with the 2000 rates and almost twofold compared to the 2013
Keywords. Infant mortality; early neonatal and neonatal mortality; mother and child health; Khabarovsk Territory.
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