DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-54-2-1
Kislitsyna O.A.
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Contacts: Olga A. Kislitsyna,
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Information about author:
Kislitsyna O.A.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance of the study. Despite the fact that
over the last century the health of the European population has much
improved, there is a significant socioeconomic inequality in health in
all countries of the region. People with low education, low professional
class, and low incomes tend to die younger, have a shorter life
expectancy, and higher prevalence of various health problems. The
socioeconomic inequality in health is unacceptable and unfair and
represents one of the main public health challenges.
The purpose of the study was to highlight historical
stages of researches in socioeconomic inequality in health, to present
main trends and hypotheses that can explain those inequalities.
Methods. To fulfil this purpose, analysis of relevant
domestic and foreign sources of literature was conducted. Literature
search in eLIBRARY and PubMed derived studies that included terms
related to health inequality and its state in Europe and/or
socio-economic factors affecting health mentioned in article itself,
title or abstract. 66 articles were selected for analysis and
generalization out of a total of over 400 sources. The remaining
articles were extracted from the analysis due to lack or incomplete
information necessary for comprehending the study concept.
Results of the study. The socio-economic inequality in
health in all countries of the European region over the past decades not
only diminished, but also expanded, which is most noticeable in
countries of the Eastern Europe. The literature makes it possible to
formulate the following three main hypotheses that can explain the
socioeconomic inequality in health. According to the first hypothesis,
based on the theory of social selection, health determines
socio-economic situation (and not vice versa) and, to a large extent,
explains socioeconomic inequality in health. However, the most important
is the hypothesis of social causality, according to which the
socio-economic situation influences health through intermediate factors
(material, psychosocial, behavioural, etc.).
According to the "life journey hypothesis", socio-economic inequality
in health of the adult population is partially explained by various
aspects of development at an early age.
Conclusions. This literature review confirms that
socioeconomic factors have significant impact on health through various
mechanisms. Therefore, overcoming social and economic health inequality
requires involvement of many ministries and departments, in addition to
healthcare, that cannot directly prevent mortality and ill health, but
can affect the underlying causes.
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Keywords: health; health disparities; health inequality; socio-economic factors.
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