DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-54-2-3
Zhaboeva S.L.
Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan
Contacts: Svetlana L. Zhaboeva, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Zhaboyeva S.L.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. The study is substantiated by the necessity to find
new solutions for the existing medical and social problems: health
deterioration and population aging, rise in socially important
pathologies and premature mortality in working ages.
Against the background of ongoing transformations one of the ways to
change current situation is active implementation of the “health
centered” paradigm and a concept of “universal preventive environment”
in health care, shifting accents to preventive programs.
The study purpose was to conduct a comparative
performance evaluation of state and private medical facilities while
implementing preventive programs in the elderly and old ages.
Methods: sampling study of outpatient adult care
seeking in state and private medical facilities in 2009-2014.
Comparative analysis of the existing preventive technologies was
implemented based on expert appraisal.
The study results. The analysis showed consistently low
level of preventive care seeking in state medical facilities versus
increased visits to private medical facilities with significantly higher
share of preventive visits in private medical facilities over the
period under study (2000-2014).
According to expert appraisal state medical facilities struggle
through deficient financial, time and human resources as well as
organizational and managerial defects.
Conclusions: optimal arrangement of working hours of
specialists and service component turned out to be major factors
affecting patients’ choice of private medical facilities.
Physicians of private medical facilities spend more time on diagnostics, treatment and preventive counseling.
Private medical facilities are more likely to increase preventive
care delivery to adult population. This gives grounds for developing
personified prevention at private medical facilities integrating them
into population preventive programs.
Keywords: performance evaluation of medical
facilities; preventive programs; development strategy; material and
technical resources; qualified personnel.
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