DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-54-2-5
S.A. Bogachevskaia
Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Svetlana Bogachevskaia, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Bogachevskaia S.A.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article presented study of the opinion of patients and
physicians and health care managers about the availability and quality
of medical care for the circulatory system diseases in the Far Eastern
Federal District.
The aim of this research was to conduct a comparative analysis
of the assessment of patients, physicians and health care managers
about the availability and quality of medical care for the circulatory
system diseases in the Far Eastern region and the prospects for its
change in the conditions of a new system of continuous medical
Material and methods. This analysis is based on materials of
sociological research of the years 2013-2016 (558 patients, 262 doctors,
and 222 health organizers), total 1042 respondents.
Results. Overall, among all respondents the assessment of medical
care for the circulatory system diseases received 6.7 times more
satisfactory evaluations. The registered growth of population’
satisfaction was mainly due to the functioning of the Federal Center for
Cardiovascular Surgery (Khabarovsk). On the background of overall
satisfaction with the medical services results (82.5% of patients, and
more than 66% of health care organizers and more than 77% of doctors),
the largest group of satisfied was significantly the group of health
care organizers (p <0.05). The greatest number of respondents, who
found it difficult to assess the level of health care, was also the
group of health organizers (24.4 ± 2.9%). There were no significant
differences of such assessment between doctors and patients. It was also
revealed that at the end of the initial phase of the reform of medical
education, most health professionals showed rejection of the new
education system.
Discussion. Analysis of the sociological survey of health
professionals indicates the presence of institutional flaws and defects
in the interaction of the various medical services for patients with the
circulatory system diseases. Low continuity is detected, first of all,
at the level of management staff in the greater commitment of doctors to
interact. A low level of confidence to the experts of Ministry of
Health of Russia's actions and low motivation to change the education
system are continued.
Conclusion. Using of abilities of the high-effective models of the
federal centers of cardiovascular surgery could be one of the key points
of the growth of economic and social importance of the Far East region.
The problem of continuity and management decisions is based on
dissatisfaction of the health care organizers with the medical care
level as well as their passivity in the assessment of the current
situation that have a negative impact on the overall process and the
provision of medical care to the population of the region. In general,
health professionals are still potentially not ready for self-learning
and development within continuing medical education, that at the moment,
probably due to lack of a clear and effective functioning of the system
Key words: availability and quality of medical care;
sociological questionnaires; the problems of medical care for
cardiovascular diseases.
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