DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-54-2-7
V.P. Gordienko
Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveschensk
Contacts: Victor Gordienko, e-mail: gen-45@
Information about author:
Gordienko V.P.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. Over the past decades the
country has hardly seen any improvements in major indicators of cancer
care. This substantiates significance of the problem and rationale for a
multidimensional approach to solve the problem through a comprehensive
analysis of several information databases including data on territorial
and time peculiarities of cancers that serve as a base for studying
malignant neoplasm of male reproductive organs within a particular
The study purpose is to scientifically assess major
indicators of morbidity and mortality from cancer of male reproductive
organs in a particular region of the Russian Federation.
Methods and Data. Data on disease morbidity and
mortality as well as reporting forms of statistical registration of
cancer patients and governing documents of superior bodies. Data on
twenty year observations over dynamics in quantitative indicators of
cancer were used.
Results and Discussion. The study outlines basic
indicators of care delivery to men with cancer of reproductive organs in
the Amur region that are characterized by an ongoing increase in cancer
morbidity and mortality. The study shows that the highest number of
cases is reported in older ages. The paper tracks a growing number of
patients with the initial presentation of the disease and a declining
number of patients with advanced cancers. Detection of patients has
significantly improved with a substation reduction in deaths within the
first year of diagnosis.
Against the background of certain success in the Cancer service
performance there is a significant increase in mortality from cancer of
the male reproductive organs of all localizations. Quality of the Cancer
service activities was estimated using index of reliability of cancer
registration that is traditionally comparable with other regions of the
The authors recommend to use the study results in practice of the
Cancer service of the Amur region to develop priorities for the targeted
health, social and economic programs.
Conclusions. Despite major efforts of research
institutes and healthcare organizations in the Amur region aimed at
reducing morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms, their rates
remain high with a trend of annual increase in statistical indicators.
Keywords: cancer; prostate; morbidity; mortality.
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