DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-55-3-2
Shuvalova M.P., Pismenskaya T.V., Grebennik T.K.
Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Contacts: Tatyana V. Pismenskaya, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Shuvalova M.P.,
Pismenskaya T.V.,
Grebennik T.K.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Background. Development of the three-level system of
care delivery to women during pregnancy, labor and post-partum period
and to newborns is a current state priority and is associated with
progress in reducing infant and maternal mortality in Russia.
The study purpose was to determine approaches to assess
performance of the third level of the system of perinatal care
regionalization in the Russian Federation.
Methods. The authors conducted a retrospective analysis
of data of the Federal continuous statistical observation, form #232
“Data on regionalization of obstetric and perinatal care in maternity
hospitals (departments) and perinatal centers” in 2013 and 2016. All
available data were analyzed both for national and regional levels.
Results. The study showed that reduction in perinatal
mortality, neonatal lethality and number of maternal deaths in the third
level facilities during 2013-2016 was accompanied by reduction in the
similar national-level indicators.
Almost in every second Russian region regionalization of the
perinatal care delivery resulted in positive outcomes, including reduced
perinatal mortality and neonatal lethality both in the third-level
obstetric hospitals and facilities of the overall three-level system.
Conclusions. Development of the three-level system of
care delivery to women during pregnancy, labor and post-partum period
and to newborns is still in progress.
The existing regulatory framework is not focused on determining
target performance indicators of the third level obstetric hospitals.
Parameters characterizing the core trend in distribution of regional
indicators can serve as standard values.
Keywords: perinatal care; third level facilities; obstetric service; perinatal center; regionalization of medical care.
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