DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-57-5-6
Shalygina L.S.1,2, Finchenko E.A.1
1Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics
2Novosibirsk State Medical University
Contacts: Shalygina Lada, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Shalygina L.S.,
Finchenko E.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflicts of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Introduction. Currently, the problem of
informing the national system of high-tech medical care, which involves
higher volumes of its provision, and, as a result, better access to care
to population of the Siberian Federal District, is becoming topical.
Purpose of the study: to analyze provision of
high-tech medical care in the Siberian Federal District, identify
problems and priority areas for its development.
Methods. Statistical, situational analysis.
Results. Within the framework of the conducted
research, the volumes of high-tech care provision in the Siberian
Federal District in general and in the subjects of the Russian
Federation that were included in the District in 2012 - 2016 were
analyzed. It was found out that the volumes of high-tech care provision
in the Siberian Federal District are steadily growing.
- The task to increase volumes of high-tech care provision to the
population assigned to the healthcare of the subjects of the Russian
Federation included in the Siberian Federal District has been fulfilled
and even exceeded (double growth compared to the target growth of 1.5
- Against the background of increasing volumes of high-tech care
provision, including via the compulsory health insurance, the volumes of
high-tech care provision to residents of the regions of the Siberian
Federal District outside their region are decreasing, indicating a
significant increase in availability of this type of care to the
- The most technologically advanced regions in providing high-tech
medical care in the Siberian Federal District include the Novosibirsk,
Tomsk and Irkutsk regions, where high-tech medical clusters are being
- The most demanded profiles of high-tech care in the Siberian
Federal District, as well as in the Russian Federation as a whole, are
cardiovascular surgery (up to 30% of the total), traumatology and
orthopedics (up to 20%), neurosurgery (14%), ophthalmology (14%) and
oncology (9%).
- Among the most important systemic problems of organization of
high-tech care are: the growing need for this type of care; relative
deficit of financing from budgets of all levels and compulsory health
insurance; lack of unified information and analytical systems that
ensures permanent communication with medical organizations that provide
high-tech care through all sources of funding, sending out documents and
form invitations to treatment, and development of registers of patients
in need for high-tech care.
- The following activities can serve as proposals for increasing
volumes of high-tech care, focused on : increasing the number of medical
organizations that are licensed to provide this type of care;
organizing maintenance of waiting lists for high-tech care provision in
the system of compulsory health insurance; distance counseling of
patients through telemedicine technologies; developing national unified
information and analytical systems that allow for permanent
communication with medical organizations that provide high-tech care
through all sources of funding.
Keywords: high-tech health care; healthcare; Siberian Federal District.
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