DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-57-5-7
Mikhaylova Yu.V.1, Lisitsyna M.M.1, Shikina I.B.1,2, Zadorkina T.G.1
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Central State Medical Academy of Presidential Administration of Russia, Moscow.
Contacts: Irina Shikina, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Mikhaylova Yu.V.,
Lisitsyna M.M.,
Shikina I.B.,
Zadorkina T.G.,
Acknowledgments. The study was funded by The Northern Dimension Partnership in Health and Social Wellbeing. Contract reference: 2012/284-486
Conflicts of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. The article presents results of the
Russian component of the international project "Prevention of Alcoholism
and Drug Addiction among Youth" carried out in 2012-2013 with the
participation of 12 municipalities of ten European countries within the
"Northern dimension" Partnership. The study identified peculiar features
of tobacco consumption prevalence among teenaged school children and
role of some social factors and presented a comparative analysis of the
results received in the cities of Sovetsk and Bagrationovsk of the
Kaliningrad region in comparison with data from other cities of the
European countries which took part in the study.
Purpose: to study prevalence of tobacco
consumption among teenaged school children of 15-16 years in the cities
of Sovetsk and Bagrationovsk of the Kaliningrad region.
Methods: analytical, sociological, mathematical statistics.
Results. Prevalence of tobacco consumption among school
children in the Kaliningrad region was analyzed using "Life and living
conditions of youth in Europe" (ADPY 2013) questionnaire. The
questionnaire included questions of prevalence of tobacco consumption
and various social factors. The obtained data were compared with results
of the cities of the European countries which took part in the study.
Conclusion. The Russian school children (in the cities
of Sovetsk and Bagrationovsk of the Kaliningrad region) reliably less
and more rarely use tobacco than their age peers in other cities
participating in the study.
Scope of application. The obtained data can be used for further development of preventive activities at the regional level.
Keywords: school children; tobacco consumption; international research.
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