DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-57-5-10
1,2Lebedev G.S., 2Fomina I.V., 2,3Shaderkin I.A., 1,2Lisnenko A.A., 1,2Ryabkov I.V., 2Kachkovskiy S.V., 2Melaev D.V.
1Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Moscow
3Research Institute of Urology and Interventional
Radiology named after N. Lopatkin, branch of National Medical
Radiological Research Center, Ministry of Health the Russian Federation
Contacts: Fomina Irina, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Lebedev G.S.,
Fomina I.V.,
Shaderkin I.A.,
Lisnenko A.A.,
Ryabkov I.V.,
Kachkovskiy S.V.,
Melaev D.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Information technologies cover almost all
aspects of medical organizations' activities, including resource
management, medical process management and care delivery. A great number
of the Internet users in Russia has a significant impact on integration
of Internet technologies into all areas of public life, including
health care.
Purpose is to identify most perspective directions for development of Internet technologies in (domestic) healthcare.
Research methods. To achieve the purpose, the authors
analyzed numerous relevant Russian and foreign sources of literature and
normative legal acts of the health care regulation in Russia.
Literature review was carried out across such scientific libraries as
eLIBRARY, PubMed, Scopus Database by key words. Searches for regulatory
and legal acts were carried out through the information and legal
reference systems "Garant" and "ConsultantPlus".
Results. The research highlighted main directions for
development of Internet technologies in public health that require
attention and efforts of the professional community in practical
healthcare, IT industry, medical equipment industry, insurance
companies, pharmaceutical industry, patient communities and state
Conclusions. The literature review confirms that
Internet technologies have taken a strong position in healthcare and are
already included in almost all aspects of medicine - from a healthy
lifestyle to remote monitoring of physiological functions of the body.
The most promising areas for the development of Internet technologies
in healthcare have been identified. Each of these areas requires a deep
scientific and methodological examination and substantiation of its
impact on the healthcare industry.
Successful development of those IT directions in healthcare requires
their legislative regulation; development of scientific and
methodological materials on implementing Internet technologies in
healthcare will provide for most effective development and
implementation of the most useful and relevant projects from the
perspective of practical healthcare.
In the next few years, these technologies can become key in changing the architecture of health protection and care delivery.
Key words. Information technologies; Internet
technologies; medical information systems; intelligent decision support
systems; telemedicine; mobile healthcare; Internet navigation; mHealth;
Internet of medical things; healthy lifestyle; distance education;
distance trade in medical products; legislative and regulatory support.
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