DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-58-6-4
Bogachevskaya S.A.
Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Khabarovsk, Russia
Contacts: Bogachevskaia Svetlana, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Bogachevskaia S.A.,
Conflict of interests. The author declares no conflict of interest.
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
The article presents a multifactorial cluster analysis of the
subjects of the Far East Federal District with due regard to medical
care for the circulatory system diseases. The article also suggests
priority areas for reforming medical care according to results of the
macro-region multifactorial clustering.
The purpose of the study: to evaluate performance of
the three-level system of medical care for cardiovascular diseases to
the population of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Materials and methods. Clustering of the nine subjects
of the Far East was carried out through the hierarchical analysis and
analysis of k-averages by 26 economic, demographic, resource and
climatic, epidemiological and medico-social indicators (cardiovascular
Results. The generalized cluster analysis shows that
the Far Eastern region is divided into the three functionally and
territorially isolated cluster systems.
The first cluster included Primorsky territory, Khabarovsk territory,
Amur region and Sakhalin region, Kamchatka territory, Jewish Autonomous
region (the territories of the Near North and South within the main
infrastructure corridor). This cluster can be considered as a
system-forming element of the territorial organization of medical care
delivery for the circulatory system diseases to population of the Far
East Federal District as well as the entire economy of the Russian Far
East. Because of its isolation on major basic parameters of clustering
the second cluster was formed by the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), while
the third cluster was formed by the Chukotka Autonomous district.
Discussion. Low population density, specific climatic
and geographic conditions and marked heterogeneity of territorial
accessibility of the regional and federal centers by the subjects limit
the all-Russia concept of healthcare reforming. It requires adaptive
approaches to resource-consuming medical care for the circulatory system
diseases in each of the cluster as well as their cooperation in the
general model of care delivery.
Peculiarities of the second cluster of the macro-region require
expanded capacities of care delivery within the subject. The third
cluster determines the need for specific patient routing in the system
of high-tech medical care to ensure transport accessibility.
Authority crossover of the regional and federal levels (including
research institutes) in the three-level system of high-tech care for the
circulatory system diseases results in ineffective redistribution of
patient flows between clinics, reducing the overall system performance.
Conclusions. The marked heterogeneity of the subjects
of the Far East Federal District requires a differentiated approach to
organize care for the circulatory system diseases in the entire region.
The article outlines the presented approach.
Keywords: availability and quality of medical care; circulatory system diseases; a multifactorial cluster analysis.
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