DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-58-6-8
Ilchenko I.N., Boyarskaya T.V., Ignatieva M.V.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenovsky
University), Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Moscow
Contacts: Irina Ilchenko, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Ilchenko I.N.,
Boyarskaya T.V.,
Ignatieva M.V.,
Acknowledgments. The survey in the Moscow region was
funded by the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the
“Fundamental sciences – to medicine” program in 2013. The survey in the
Republic of Karelia was funded by the United Nations Environment
Program; World Health Organization, WHO Regional Office for Europe, “Development
of a Plan for Global Monitoring of Human Exposure to and Environmental
Concentrations of Mercury” Project, Component 3 in 2016 (reference
number EUPCR1612113).
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Impact of environmental and behavioral risks is one of the causes of
poor health. Depending on socio-economic and territorial determinants,
impact of environmental and behavioral risk factors varies across
different population groups. The purpose of the study was
to analyze the degree of environmental exposure and behavioral risks
during pregnancy among female residents of the Moscow Region and
Republic of Karelia. In two epidemiological studies carried out
according to the WHO standard methodology, within the framework of
projects on harmonizing approaches to monitoring mercury content in the
human body and assessing prenatal exposure in the early stages of life,
120 parturient women were examined in the Moscow Region and 240 women -
in the Republic of Karelia. Industrial factors, environmental conditions
at the place of residence and individual exposure to mercury were
considered as indicators of environmental exposure. Smoking and drinking
during pregnancy were analyzed as a behavioral risk.
Rosstat data were used for a comparative analysis of regional
indicators. The survey results indicate significant inequalities in the
degree of exposure of women to environmental and behavioral risks. The
most serious inequalities were associated with socio-economic
determinants, especially with low education of women living in rural
areas in the Republic of Karelia.
Comparative analysis of medico-demographic, socio-economic and
natural-geographic indicators at the regional level revealed a
significantly higher burden of socio-economic disadvantages in the
Republic of Karelia in comparison with the Moscow region. The results
illustrate the scale and distribution of inequalities among parturient
women in two regions of Russia and help identify potential target groups
and priority areas for inter-sectoral actions.
Keywords. Environmental risk, pregnancy and prenatal
exposure, behavioral risk factors, health equity, socio-economic
determinants, equity-sensitive surveillance systems.
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