DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-58-6-10
Allamyarova N.V.
Moscow Branch of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Moscow
Contacts: Natalia Allamyarova, e–mail:
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Information about author:
Allamyarova N.V.,
Acknowledgments.The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The author declares no conflict of interest.
Significance. Recently, there has been an
increase in the number of disputes arising from provision of medical
services; mainly, disputes are related to the failure or improper
performance of the contract for service provision, billing for
non-provided services, provision of medical care of inadequate quality.
Patient is not necessary the weak and "affected" party. It is not
infrequent that due to the lack of proper paper flow, untimely and
careless filling in of patient's medical records, habitual negligence of
professional duties by attending physicians, and impossibility to prove
their innocence, medical organizations become participants in
litigations and the object of criticism in mass media, sustaining
tangible financial and reputational losses. Voluntary pre-court
resolution of disputes through a mediation procedure is the fastest and
least costly way to manage conflicts.
Purpose: to analyze development prospects of
mediation as a way of pre-court resolution of disputes between medical
organizations and patients.
Materials and methods: The study used the system, conceptual, process and situational approaches, as well as comparative legal and logical analysis.
Results. Currently, the mediation procedure is yet to
be widely used in the medical community. The term «mediation» is known
to a fairly narrow circle of specialists and is almost unknown to
medical workers and patients. To some extent, the problem stems from the
lack of understanding of merits of the mediation procedure and its
alternative advantages. The mediation procedure is based on the
principles of freedom and informed voluntary involvement of the dispute
parties and mediators, principles of independence, non-competiveness and
equality of the parties.
Conclusions. To successfully promote the institute of mediation, it is necessary:
to develop a state policy in mediation and alternative dispute
resolution and to design special measures aimed at its promotion and
to improve legal culture of the population;
to develop effective cooperation with the judicial system;
to expand possibilities for better training of mediators
Keywords: administrative dispute resolution
procedure; claim procedure; arbitration tribunal; voluntary pre-court
dispute resolution; mediation; professional mediator; medical
institution; patient.
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