DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-59-1-10
1Uspenskaya I.V., 1Manukhina E.V., 2Yurina S.V.
1Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the Ryazan region, Ryazan
2 «City dental clinic ¹ 3», Ryazan
Contacts: Manukhina Elena, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Uspenskaya I.V.,
Manukhina E.V.,
Yurina S.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. In the context of complicated economic
conditions activity of territorial compulsory health insurance funds on
financial support for territorial programs of compulsory health
insurance has been kept current.
Research subject: financial support for territorial programs of compulsory health insurance.
The study purpose. To determine dynamics in financial
support for territorial programs of compulsory health insurance within
the framework of activities aimed at optimizing health system funding at
the regional level.
Methods. Using analytical method, including method of
economic analysis, the authors evaluated implementation of the
territorial programs of compulsory health insurance based on monitoring
data of volumetric and financial performance indicators of the overall
system and individual health organizations.
Results. The study identified areas for optimizing
financial support for the territorial program of compulsory health
insurance through priority funding of the resource-saving primary care
provided at the outpatient basis and in day hospitals, with the reduced
share of expensive hospital care from 51.4% in 2014 to 47.7% in 2016 in
the cost structure.
The share of costs associated with outpatient primary care increased
from 36.5% to 38.1%, while the share of costs associated with outpatient
care provided at day hospitals increased from 5.5% to 7.8%, according
to indicators of the regional road map. Because of the 1.3 times
increase in the volumes of preventive dental care, care seeking reduced
2.0 times. Financial support for high-tech medical care increased by 2.4
times, expanding its access to the population.
Conclusions. Analysis of dynamics in financial support
for the territorial program is an integral part of a comprehensive
assessment of the healthcare and compulsory health insurance system.
Positive dynamics in indicators confirms usefulness of measures to
optimize funding at the regional level.
The scope of application: in the system of compulsory health insurance at the regional level.
Keywords. Territorial program of compulsory health
insurance; financial support; primary health care for dental diseases;
high-tech medical care.
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