DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-60-2-6
Nemtsov A.V.
V.Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Nemtsov Alexandr, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Conflict of interests. The author declares no conflict of interest.
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Cardiovascular mortality accounts for over a half of the total number
of deaths. Therefore, dynamics of these two types of deaths should be
similar. However, in 2004-2016 trends in the total and cardiovascular
mortality did not coincide. This was the starting point of the study.
Material and methods. Cardiovascular deaths in 2004-2016 were
studied (a total of 14,297,000) in relation to the total number of
deaths (a total of 26,344,665) based on the Rosstat operational data.
When subtracting the number of cardiovascular deaths from the total
number, the third indicator was obtained - other deaths.
Results. The study showed that during 2004-2016 the trend in
cardiovascular deaths is close to rectilinear, while other deaths have
complex curvilinear dynamics: a sharp decline in 2004-2011 followed by
even a more dramatic growth after 2012. This dynamics of other deaths is
determined by the inaccurate diagnosis of cardiovascular deaths:
overdiagnosis in 2004-2011 (a total of 202.5 thousand or 2.0% of all
cardiovascular deaths over this period), and underestimation of these
deaths in 2012-2016, possibly along with a real reduction in the number
of deaths (a total of 158.7 thousand or 3.8%).
Conclusion. Overdiagnosis until 2012 and a possible
underestimation of cardiovascular deaths thereafter make evaluation of a
real reduction in cardiovascular mortality a challenge. It is necessary
to improve quality of coding of the causes of death to ensure adequate
assessment of the national health.
Keywords: cardiovascular deaths; overdiagnosis; underestimation of mortality
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