DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-60-2-9
Kudelina O.V., Brazovskaya N.G.
Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia
Contacts: Kudelina O.V., e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Kudelina O.,
Brazovskaya N.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Improvements in human resources
management in medical institutions require implementation of actions
based on principles of the healthcare system development strategy.
Purpose. To analyse changes in systems of human
resources management in the Tomsk oblast medical institutions based on
the assessment of trends in physicians’ opinion over five years.
Methods. Comparative analysis of opinions of physicians
employed at medical organizations of the Tomsk oblast, collected in
2012 and 2017 has been conducted regarding questions about evaluation of
processes of healthcare reforming, human resources issues, and economic
aspects of health care delivery. A total of 2535 individuals were
anonymously surveyed. The obtained raw data were processed using
statistical methods within the R statistical environment.
Results. Analysis of the respondents’ opinion on
economic aspects of healthcare system performance made it possible to
reveal that, in the same way as before, the majority of the respondents
prefer to work at the state healthcare system. The share of workers who
do not provide paid services increased up to about 35% at all levels.
Almost three fourths of the respondents employed at the oblast
institutions are aware of the territorial program of state guarantees
for free care delivery: the share of full awareness increased up to
23.0%, partial awareness – to 53.7% (in comparison with 2012).
Issues related to staffing level in healthcare are becoming more
important, 10% more employees mentioned this problem. However, the
problem intensity is higher at the oblast level institutions. The level
of awareness of current changes in the healthcare system has
significantly increased.
Conclusions. Over five years, awareness of physicians
of current changes in the healthcare system and substantiation of the
territorial program of state guarantees have significantly increased.
According to the respondents’ opinion, the staffing issues in medical
institutions remain relevant, especially at the oblast institutions. In
the federal level organizations physicians are more satisfied with both
quality of their work and performance of their supervisors.
Scope of application. It is necessary to continue
modernization of human resources management system at the oblast level
medical institutions, paying attention to changing perception of
physicians regarding activities aimed at healthcare development:
improvement of care provision to population and system of professional
Keywords: medical institutions; modernization; health care
workforce; management; organization of healthcare; continuous medical
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