DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-60-2-12
Olenev AC, Stasevich NYu
Institute of Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
Contacts: Stasevich Natalya, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Stasevich N.Yu.,
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. In the context of compulsory health
insurance, pricing issues are of prime importance. Lack of a unified
methodology for calculation of cost of medical care provision at the
Federal level and the need for such calculations at the local level
conditioned the necessity to present the authors’ methodological
approaches to pricing of medical services.
Purpose: to develop methodological approaches to pricing of medical services in the modern context.
Methods. Various methods were applied: analysis of
lessons learned, statistical, economic, modeling, expert assessments,
sociological methods, and comparative analysis.
Results. Price is a monetary expression of the cost of
health care, an indicator of its value or a monetary expression of the
quantity and quality of labor spent on its provision by medical workers.
In the joint medical organization, the prime cost is defined
separately for policlinic and a hospital based on disposition of funds
received according to the contract signed by this organization with city
healthcare department. Prime cost can be calculated in two ways.
The first method applies the following classification of
expenditures: salaries of the core personnel; salaries of other
personnel; social insurance contributions; material costs including
overhead costs. In the second case, the prime cost value is calculated
more generally.
The study defined costs of outpatient, inpatient and emergency care provision.
Conclusions. The study identified the following parameters to differentiate payments for certain types of services:
outpatient care - services to patients depending on the health group;
- inpatient care –an admission case according to the department’s profile;
- emergency care - a realized capacity and readiness to provide
professional care in full volume and of sufficiently high quality.
Keyword: medical service; price; methodology; health care.
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