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Tuesday, 10 July 2018 | ||||||
DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-61-3-1
Savina A.A., Leonov S.A., Son I.M., Feyginova S.I.
Contacts: Savina Anna, e-mail:
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Abstract Estimation of effectiveness of health care system is dependable, among other things, upon the morbidity rates, especially upon statistical indicators in each age group. Over the past 7 years, the Russian population age structure has seen an increase in the number of older ages. Since the increase in morbidity and the share of chronic diseases are one the main problems of improving efficiency of health resource utilization, there is a need to analyze age-specific population indices by federal districts, as well as by separate disease classes. The purpose of the study was to determine contribution of individual age groups in disease prevalence in the federal districts of the Russian Federation. Methods. Analysis of statistical indicators of disease prevalence in different age groups in 2010-2016 by levels of intensive coefficients and their increment or decrease (in percent). Results. The results of the analysis show that during 7 years there has been a shift in shares across all age groups towards children aged 0-14 (by 1.2%). This trend can be traced in all federal districts, with the exception of the North Caucasian Federal District. This trend occurs against the background of a general decline in morbidity in this age group by 4.8%. The occurred changes not only indicate the rejuvenation of morbidity, but also an improved accessibility of a more extended diagnostics. Comparing the structure by individual age groups, the circulatory system diseases rank first in the age group of 55-60 years and older (30.0%) and adults over 18 years (19.7%) with a small share of children aged 0-14. Diseases of the respiratory system prevail mostly in the age group of 0-14 years (55.3%). In the age group of 55-60 years and older, their share is 5 times lower (10.2%). In the age group of 15-17 years, the most significant share is accounted for by the diseases of the eye and adnexa (9.6%) and diseases of the digestive system (8.2%). Conclusions. The study results demonstrate that disease prevalence rates are dependable not only upon individual age groups but territorial identity of the subject as well. Disease prevalence analysis in all Federal Districts of the Russian Federation in the main age groups for 7 years showed that the main contribution (73%) to the formation of morbidity is made by the adult population, almost a quarter – by children aged 0-14 and only 3.8% - by teenagers aged 15-17. Key words: prevalence; rate of increase (decrease); morbidity rates; Federal District of the Russian Federation; analysis of statistical indicators; population age groups. References
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1. 19-07-2018 15:11 Большое Вам спасибо,
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 July 2018 ) |
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