DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-61-3-2
Chizhova V.M., Gavrilova I.S., Tokina V.A.
Volgograd state medical university of the ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Volgograd, Russia.
Contacts: Tokina Valeria Alekseyevna, Email:
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Information about authors:
Chizhova V.M.,
Gavrilova I.S.,
Tokina V.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. The study analyzed stages of life situation of
cancer patients within the concept of medical sociology. It was proved
that cancer in the current Russian society represent a difficult life
situation demanding, among other things, engagement of social workers
for solutions.
The study purpose: to define major problems specific to
each life stage of cancer patients and identify professional tasks to
be fulfilled by a social worker in medical and social case management.
Methods: narrative method of life situations presented
at the internet forums for cancer patients such as “Rak pobedim (We’ll
kill cancer)”, “Bor’ba za zhizn (Fight for life)”, etc.
Results. Life situation is a segment of the patient and
their family and friends social life that is taking place within time
and space and considering the unity of interrelations (external
circumstances and internal reaction of the subject to them).
The main stages of life situation of cancer patients include diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
Discussion. Rehabilitation stage is important for both
health recovery and prevention of backsets as well as patient’s return
to active and productive life.
Conclusions. Functions of the social worker would be
different at all stages of life situation of cancer patients due to
changing needs of the patient and their family and friends.
Keywords: cancer; life situation; event of life situation; stages of life situation; agents of difficult life situation; social worker.
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