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Tuesday, 10 July 2018

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-61-3-8

¹Chigisova A.N., ¹٫²Ogarkov M.Y., ¹Maksimov S.A. 
¹Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Russian Federation, Kemerovo
²Novokuznetsk State Institute for Further Training of Physicians – Branch of the «Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk

Contacts: Chigisova Antonina Nikolaevna, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Information about authors:
Chigisova A.N., http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8147-925X
Ogarkov M.Y. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7252-4845
Maksimov S.A. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0545-2586
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Significance. Negative working conditions result in health deterioration in workers; onset of arterial hypertension becomes an obstacle to continuation of work.

Purpose. Comprehensive assessment of risk factors of arterial hypertension in coal miners in the Kemerovo Region.

Methods. Total load of risk factors and additional risk of arterial hypertension in coal miners have been calculated (n=1915). Results were compared with the sample of the male population of the Kemerovo region within the framework of the ESSE-RF study (n=700).

Results. The studied population is characterized by better health status compared to the reference group. Workers had a low incidence of additional intake of salt, apnea, obesity in young age, and living alone without family in older ages. Workers are also characterized by high prevalence of smoking and, in older ages – by alcohol abuse. In workers aged 18-35 maintenance technicians of mining equipment and electrical equipment aged, underground miners and drifters had the least load of risk factors of arterial hypertension (1.6%).

Additional risks of arterial hypertension change with age across all occupational groups. In workers aged 36-45, the risk of arterial hypertension among maintenance technicians of mining and electrical equipment equaled to 0.5%, and among underground miners and drifters – to 0.4%. In the group of managers, there was a gradual increase in the additional risk of arterial hypertension (0.9%). In people aged 46-69, the additional risk increased to 0.2% among underground miners, sinkers and managers.

The additional risk remained unchanged among maintenance technicians of mining equipment and electrical equipment (0.5%).

Conclusions. Miners are characterized by a low prevalence of risk factors compared to the general population, as well as the total additional risk of arterial hypertension. However, with age, the difference between workers and the general population is narrowing due to negative impact of the working conditions. The results indicate a need for a differentiated approach to standard activities aimed at preventing arterial hypertension depending upon intensity of the negative occupational factors.

Keywords: arterial hypertension; risk factors; population risk; miners; negative working conditions.


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