DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-62-4-1
Kamaliev M.A., Almukhanova A.B.
Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Contacts: Kamaliev Maksut, e-mail:
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Almukhanova Aizhan, å-mail:
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Acknowledgments. The study did not have sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Diseases of the circulatory system
require systemic solutions and state response measures, the priority
direction of which is organization of emergency high-tech cardiac care.
Purpose. To analyze state of the art and how effective the emergency high-tech cardiac care is organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Material and methods. Analysis of statistical data of
the Republic Center of Electronic Healthcare of the Ministry of Health
of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2015.
Results. The Republic of Kazakhstan has created a
multilevel system of cardiac, interventional cardiac and cardiosurgical
care delivery to the population. In general, in 2013-2015 the Republic
of Kazakhstan performed 27224 percutaneous interventions, recalculated
per 100,000 population adding up to 71.5 in 2013, 80.8 in 2014 and 84.8
in 2015, as well as 4068 coronary bypasses (23.6 in 2013, 32.9 in 2014
and 44.5 per 100,000 population in 2015). A number of problems has been
identified in the performance of specialized medical facilities,
solution of which will result in better outcomes.
Conclusions. The study made it possible to identify the
reserves for improving effectiveness of acute coronary syndrome
treatment, including reduced time between the symptoms onset and therapy
initiation. Timely diagnosis at the outpatient level, effective
performance of the emergency service, immediate hospitalization to the
specialized cardiac hospital, reduced time between hospitalization and
surgery for coronary angiography, emergency surgical interventions in
the early hours of acute coronary syndrome, high qualification of
specialists at all stages of care delivery, better awareness of atypical
manifestations of acute coronary syndrome, decreased complications and
lethality can significantly reduce mortality from acute coronary
Keywords: diseases of the circulatory system; acute coronary syndrome; high-tech cardiac care.
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