DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-62-4-2
Velichko EA, Istomin NP, Nekrasov AYu
Clinical Center of Advanced Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
Contacts: Velichko Eugene A., e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Velichko E.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Heath protection is one of the urgent and
most important problems of both Healthcare and the State in general.
Negative changes in social and economic spheres, high morbidity and
mortality rates lead to public health worsening and numerous problems in
the Russian healthcare system resulting in higher demand for medical
services with surgical services taking a special place in the structure
of medical care. To ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of quality of
care delivery and satisfaction level, scientific researches pay a
special attention to sociological surveys.
Purpose: to study opinions of physicians and patients of
surgery departments of multi-specialty hospitals about quality of care
and factors that affect it.
Methods. The study used a survey method, expert appraisals
and statistical processing. The study generalized results of the survey
of 432 patients with different surgical pathologies treated in the
surgery departments of the town of Novogorsk in 2015-2017 and 156
surgeons of two multi-specialty hospitals (general surgeons, thoracal,
cardio, vascular, and neurosurgeons, urologists, proctologists,
traumatologists and gynecologists) with different length of service,
professional categories, scientific degrees and academic ranks.
Results. The study showed that in the majority of cases
(87.3%) the patients were satisfied with hospital services, 11.3% - were
not satisfied and 1.4% - not fully satisfied. Analysis of the reasons
of dissatisfaction with hospital services gave the following results:
78.5% - lack of medications; 6.4% careless attitude of nurses; 10.2%
lack of the relevant diagnostic method; and 4.9% - careless attitude of
Length of service ensures a more comprehensive and deeper evaluation of
quality from different points. The study has identified a direct
correlation between the number of factors affecting quality of surgical
care and length of service – the longer the higher the number of
factors. Young doctors can identify 3-5 factors, while doctors with a 25
year service and longer can identify over 15 factors.
Keywords: quality; satisfaction; patients of surgery departments of multi-specialty hospitals.
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