DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-62-4-3
Saraev V.G., Popov P.L., Tcherenev A.A.
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Contacts:Saraev Vladimir Grigoryevich. e-mail
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Information about authors:
Saraev V. G.,
Popov P. L.,
Tcherenev A. A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Identification of social economic
structures of the Siberian regions, including in health sector, is
necessary for successful management of their development. Non-profit
organizations are one of their essential components.
Purpose. To review non-profit organizations in the health sector of the Irkutsk region.
Materials and methods. The research is based on data of
the Unified State Register of Legal Entities presented at the websites
of the Ministry of Justice and Federal Tax Service, and data at the
websites of the Government of the Irkutsk region and websites of
non-profit organizations. The authors used the descriptive method.
Results. The total number of non-profit organizations
in the health sector adds up to about 100 organizations of 9 legal
organizational forms. Autonomous nonprofit organizations (37%), public
organizations (29%), and institutions (16%) prevail. Most of the
non-profit organizations in the health sector are located in the cities,
in Irkutsk mainly. Their activities generally cover the entire Irkutsk
region, and their members are persons of many settlements.
The authors have outlined all types of activities of non-profit
organizations in the health sector of all legal organizational forms.
According to the Russian National Classifier of Types of Economic
Activity main types of economic activities of the majority of autonomous
non-profit organizations and institutions fall into different groups
and classes of the "Activity in the field of Health Care and Social
Services" section. The majority of social organizations are represented
by the group of "Activity of other social organizations which are not
included in other groups", including all their activities, except for
policy. Major activity types of only two social organizations fall in
the group of "Activity of the professional member organizations". Their
activities are focused in specific spheres.
The study shows that functioning of many non-profit organizations in the health sector is not transparent.
Conclusions. Activities of many non-profit
organizations in the health sector, mainly of all social organizations,
are focused on consolidating medical community. Their contribution in
care delivery, diagnostics and prevention is essential. Often
organizations with different legal organizational forms implement
identical types of activities.
Scope of application. The obtained results can be used by administrative structures of the healthcare system.
Keywords: health care; Irkutsk region; non-profit
organization; social organization; health workers; legal forms of the
organizations; activity; OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of
Economic Activity).
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