DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-62-4-8
Zhuravleva I.V., Lakomova N.V.
Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Contacts: Zhuravleva Irina, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Zhuravleva I.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Relevance. Youth as a promising age group of the
population represents an important potential for social development, and
an important object of social policy in the field of health. But the
number of age groups of young people is constantly decreasing, and the
incidence is increasing. The maximum growth rates are typical for the
spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and in adolescents -
for obesity and diabetes. In general, the health indicators of young
people cause concern and require the adoption of adequate measures.
The goal is to find out whether the social policy in
the sphere of health really influences the changing attitude of young
people towards health.
Methods. The method of analyzing legal and statistical documents is used, as well as secondary analysis of sociological data.
Results. The state policy in the social sphere is
expressed in the adopted laws, ensuring their financing and in the
practical implementation of laws and regulations. At present, public
health issues are regulated by more than 40 federal laws. But most of
them concern the problems of sick people and their treatment, while the
health of healthy people and prevention issues are not the subject of
serious consideration. In Russia, for half a century there is no
ideology of health. This is expressed in the nature of the legal aspects
of social policy in the sphere of health, in the insufficient funding
of spheres of life relevant to the health of the population (this is,
apart from health, work, physical culture and sports, leisure,
education). The final stage of social policy is the implementation of
the adopted resolutions - in the case of implementation, it leads to
significant positive changes. This is evidenced by the results of the
study "Student Health".
Conclusions. As a result of implementing a positive
social policy in the field of health aimed at promoting healthy
lifestyles, creating conditions for its implementation, the formation of
appropriate social norms: 1) the nature of the attitude of young people
to their own health changes - for the first time so many respondents
(40% of boys and 28% of the girls), the main motive of health care was
called "the desire to be stronger and healthier" than "deteriorating
health", as before; 2) the quality of health of young people (on
self-assessment) in the cities where the health promotion is promoted is
increasing, as a result of the increasing importance of the health care
factor "the efforts of the person himself" and the strengthening of the
motive "the desire to be stronger and healthier".
Keywords: health of youth; social policy; healthy way of life; attitude towards health.
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