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№3 2011 (19)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Mode of remuneration and the system of operation on self-supporting basis: their influence on indicators of operation activities of municipal medical establishments for treatment and prevention Zinchuk Yu.Yu. 23324
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Estimation of the prospects for early detection of diseases in russia on the base of questionnaire of users of internet about their attitudes toward prophylaxis Starodubov V.I., Dvornikov A.S., Shevchenko A.G., Lopakov K.V. 20705
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Military medical expertise. monitoring of quality of medical care for military servicemen Dubynina Ye.I. 22993
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Ways of improving the operation of federal centers of medical high technologies Belostotsky A.V. 23074
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Problems of organizing detectability and record of the allergic individuals in the Oryol region Obolenskaya T.I., Morozov Y.M., Turchina M.S., Volobuev O.A. 20848
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Medical-sociological approach to analysis of population satiisfaction with quality of medical services Svetlichnaya T. G., Tsyganova O. A. 27202
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Tendencies in changing of indicators of morbidity in female population in the republic of Bashkortostan Sultanayeva Z.M. 21357
Thursday, 29 September 2011 Needs and satisfaction with life course in elderly women of retirement age Trifonova N.Yu., Verbitskaya Ye.Yu., Selishcheva I.N. 29680
Friday, 30 September 2011 Thanatos praxis and other activities of emergency medical service in Moscow Vasin D.L. 24142
Friday, 30 September 2011 Urogenital diseases in municipal population of the Republic of Bashkortostan and local demographic variability Sharafutdinov M.A. 21466
Friday, 30 September 2011 Reasons for lethal outcomes of digestive organ diseases in surgical hospitals in the Russian Federation, the north Caucasian federal district, and Stavropol territory in dynamics for 10 years Muravyev K.A., Sergeev D.N. 26721
Friday, 30 September 2011 Distinctive features of socially-hygienic characteristics of patients of stomatologic establishments of municipal submission and private stomatologic clinics. Turchiev A.G., Puchkov K.G., Kudryavtsev A.A. 23688
Friday, 30 September 2011 Certain issues of optimization of obstetrician gynecological outpatient service Bantyeva M.N., Sukhanova L.P. 26885
Friday, 30 September 2011 Novel organization schemes in maternity care: population-based pre-gestation training Tsurkan S.V., Vdovenko S.A. 21964
Friday, 30 September 2011 Determinants of adolescents’ health Kislitsyna O.A. 23754
Friday, 30 September 2011 Factors of developing risk groups of deviant behaviors in children population Frantseva V.O., Tikhonova Yu.V., Zadorkina T.G. 24222
Friday, 30 September 2011 Control of psychophysiological adaptation аt the first step of training Tarasova S.Yu. 29396
Friday, 30 September 2011 Level of operational activities of phthisiology medical establishments in the Russian Federation Son I.M., Obukhova O.V., Vechyorko V.I., Antonova Ye.G., Perchatkina G.V., Gordina A.V. 23790
Friday, 30 September 2011 The influence of hiv-infection on development of epidemiologic situation with tb in the Russian Federation Nechayeva O.B., Eismont N.V. 22544
Friday, 30 September 2011 Research of possibility use simple tests for calculation of indicator QALY in tb-patients. Pilot research result Sterlikov S.A., Shevchenko N.P., Kibishev V.M., Yelenkina J.V., Dolzhenko E.N. 21104
Saturday, 01 October 2011 The results of the cohort trial of management of primary patients with destructive lung tb in the rf: prospective analysis Tsybikova E.B., Sabgaida T.P. 22190
Saturday, 01 October 2011 Day hospital as a tool to enhanced efficacy of loading bed facility in phthisiology Kalinskaya A.A., Gorokhova T.A. 28850
Saturday, 01 October 2011 Необходимость разработки информационно-аналитической системы мониторинга социально обусловленных заболеваний Хулхачиев О.Б. 19206
Saturday, 01 October 2011 Analysis of the social-demographic factors impact on the popularity of deviant behaviour Zaitseva N.V.1, Alekseev V.B., Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Barg A.O., Gasnikov V.K. 23941
Tuesday, 18 October 2011 Trends and regional peculiarities of adult health in Russia Ivanova A.E., Pavlov N.B., Mikhaylov A.Yu. 31405
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