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№5 2011 (21)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 Совершенствование нормативной базы здравоохранения как условие формирования структурно эффективных территориальных программ государственных гарантий оказания населению субъектов РФ бесплатной стационарной медицинской помощи в условиях модернизации региона И.М. Сон, С.А. Леонов, В.О. Флек, Э.Н. Матвеев, М.Н. Бантьева, В.М. Кураева, Ю.А. Мирсков, Л.В. Руголь, Д.А. Кучерявая, И.Н. Кондратьев 15401
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 On the pathways of planning of a municipal budget task for population-based inpatient care of malignant neoplasm of the mammal gland S.A. Martinchik, S.M. Khomyakov, Ye.A. Glukhova 18427
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 Problems and prospects of development sphere public health Krasnoyarsk region until 2030: on the results of delphi survey of experts V.S. Efimov, B.E. Gorny, V.F. Mazharov 19232
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 The influence of conjugate pathology on the distribution of dental diseases and cost of treatment A.N. Pavlov, T.P. Sabgayda 22466
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 Sociologic survey of oncological patients to identify problems of health care delivering L.M. Kogonia, A.Yu. Fedotov 18902
Thursday, 19 January 2012 The principle of social partnership as the basis of the successful implementation of the special-purpose comprehensive program of the anticancerous fight V.O. Shchepin, I.Yu. Kudryavtsev 17015
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Assessment of the wtp threshold for qaly by contingent valuation method for medical care and treatment O.V. Zelenova 21328
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Integrated technology solution equipment and automation pathology laboratories V.I. Starodubov, P.G. Malkov, M.A. Morozova, G.A. Frank, L.V. Moskvina 21183
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Information technology in emergency medical care at the municipal level Yu.A. Korotkov, M.P. Artamoshina, V.V. Zaytsev 22166
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Certain prospects for optimization of delivery of specialty medical care to patients with allergy in the oryol region T.Yi. Obolenskaya 18227
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Some peculiar features of providing medical care by medical stations at the railroads terminals; a prospective design of a study D.V. Samarin 19939
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Scientific approach to the organizational foundations of the service of medical advice and diagnosis for children population: illustrated through the pattern of the Republic of Dagestan A.A.Kalininskaya, P.B.Abdurashidova, L.M.Aliyeva 18422
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Gender characteristics of the individual in health adolescents aged 15-17 T.G. Shanina, O.M. Filkina, O. Y. Kocherova, E.A. Vorob׳eva, L.A. Pychtina 21051
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Complications of diabetes mellitus in children of the Kaluga region D.I. Zelinskaya, L.V. Shiriayeva, R.N. Terletskaya 20685
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Organization-wise failure cases in population-based treatment for primary identified pulmonary tuberculosis in Russia E.B. Tsybikova 17925
Thursday, 19 January 2012 Current situation and dynamics of eye injuries in the Udmurtian Republic I.V. Bogatyreva, G.V. Pavlova, S.V. Ivanov, K.V.Gasnicov, P.U. Sadilova 16274
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