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Wednesday, 18 January 2012 |
Совершенствование нормативной базы здравоохранения как условие формирования структурно эффективных территориальных программ государственных гарантий оказания населению субъектов РФ бесплатной стационарной медицинской помощи в условиях модернизации региона
И.М. Сон, С.А. Леонов, В.О. Флек, Э.Н. Матвеев, М.Н. Бантьева, В.М. Кураева, Ю.А. Мирсков, Л.В. Руголь, Д.А. Кучерявая, И.Н. Кондратьев |
15375 |
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 |
On the pathways of planning of a municipal budget task for population-based inpatient care of malignant neoplasm of the mammal gland
S.A. Martinchik, S.M. Khomyakov, Ye.A. Glukhova |
18397 |
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 |
Problems and prospects of development sphere public health Krasnoyarsk region until 2030: on the results of delphi survey of experts
V.S. Efimov, B.E. Gorny, V.F. Mazharov |
19195 |
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 |
The influence of conjugate pathology on the distribution of dental diseases and cost of treatment
A.N. Pavlov, T.P. Sabgayda |
22419 |
Wednesday, 18 January 2012 |
Sociologic survey of oncological patients to identify problems of health care delivering
L.M. Kogonia, A.Yu. Fedotov |
18862 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
The principle of social partnership as the basis of the successful implementation of the special-purpose comprehensive program of the anticancerous fight
V.O. Shchepin, I.Yu. Kudryavtsev |
16970 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Assessment of the wtp threshold for qaly by contingent valuation method for medical care and treatment
O.V. Zelenova |
21276 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Integrated technology solution equipment and automation pathology laboratories
V.I. Starodubov, P.G. Malkov, M.A. Morozova, G.A. Frank, L.V. Moskvina |
21134 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Information technology in emergency medical care at the municipal level
Yu.A. Korotkov, M.P. Artamoshina, V.V. Zaytsev |
22114 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Certain prospects for optimization of delivery of specialty medical care to patients with allergy in the oryol region
T.Yi. Obolenskaya |
18195 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Some peculiar features of providing medical care by medical stations at the railroads terminals; a prospective design of a study
D.V. Samarin |
19892 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Scientific approach to the organizational foundations of the service of medical advice and diagnosis for children population: illustrated through the pattern of the Republic of Dagestan
A.A.Kalininskaya, P.B.Abdurashidova, L.M.Aliyeva |
18385 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Gender characteristics of the individual in health adolescents aged 15-17
T.G. Shanina, O.M. Filkina, O. Y. Kocherova, E.A. Vorob׳eva, L.A. Pychtina |
21001 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Complications of diabetes mellitus in children of the Kaluga region
D.I. Zelinskaya, L.V. Shiriayeva, R.N. Terletskaya |
20639 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Organization-wise failure cases in population-based treatment for primary identified pulmonary tuberculosis in Russia
E.B. Tsybikova |
17887 |
Thursday, 19 January 2012 |
Current situation and dynamics of eye injuries in the Udmurtian Republic
I.V. Bogatyreva, G.V. Pavlova, S.V. Ivanov, K.V.Gasnicov, P.U. Sadilova |
16229 |