DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-63-5-3
1Zakalsky V.A., 2Butrina V.I., Kasapov K.I.
1Institute of advanced training Federal Medial and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
2All-Russia Research Institute of Railway Hygiene, Moscow
Contacts: Butrina Vera, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Kasapov K.I.,
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Effective performance of medical
organizations largely depends upon proper work organization of heads of
resuscitation and anesthesiology departments in multi-specialty
hospitals harmonizing activity of the entire medical organization,
systematically improving personnel’s skills, monitoring quality of
medical care, ensuring supportive psychological environment and
introducing new diagnostic and treatment methods.
Purpose: to analyze activities of heads of
resuscitation and anesthesiology departments in multi-specialty
hospitals in terms of the organizational component.
Material and methods. Study period: 2012-2016. The
survey involved 507 anesthesiologists-resuscitators and heads of
resuscitation and anesthesiology (RA) departments. A total of 1521
questionnaires were processed (each doctor and department head filled
out 3 questionnaires). Statistical processing was implemented according
to a unified algorithm using computer programs including calculation of
traditional statistical parameters for all indicators in the study.
Results. The structure of time spent on professional
duties of such specialists according to their priorities is the
following: “control” – 61.8±0.1% of all working time; “coordination” –
15.2±0.1%, “organization” - 11.6±0.2%.
It was found out that men were much interested in improving their
professional skills - 92.9±3.0. Male heads of RA departments seem more
interested in new professional knowledge and skills compared to their
female peers: 92.9±3.0 vs 81.1±2.3 respectively, p <0.05.
Conclusions. 1. Assigning a head of the RA department
top management of the organization does not take into account managerial
and organizational competences of the physician to become a mid-level
2. The study found out that staff are much interested in improving
their competences before assignment to a position that is a positive
Keywords: organization; activity; heads of departments; multi-specialty hospital; anesthesiologists-resuscitators.
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